Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The hegemony of power in the Novel

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By S Prasetyo Utomo

, with the authority of the ruler who imaged through myth, written letters to unveil the foul behavior veiled charisma and passion of human greed. The power symbol, sign, symbol systems, and the choice of words to be betting for a writer to express the hegemony of power in it.

Literary texts are similar it exfoliates, framed narrative power cuts through the myths. Literary texts were created to express the liberation of hegemony of power that arouses human life, enlightenment and risked giving power of aesthetic interpretation and definition.

The figures became the center of power, under the guise of upstanding behaviour is at the center of power without limits, selapis by selapis revealed by Putu Arcana in the Morning Gandamayu. This Novel is different from Durga Umayi YB Mangunwijaya works which reflect the Government's ambiguity Orba: personally identifiable symbols of glory (Uma) while simultaneously exposing the greed of man (Durga) in power. YB Mangunwijaya in the novel that we can enjoy the myth in the context of the interpretation of the hegemony of power — about the ruling; the thinly veiled guise of Holiness, charisma, but greedy.

Gandamayu is a novel that reveals the social context (political), written with biographical and fantasy breath myth, without losing the symbols. The multiple layers of meaning can we interpretation of interwoven stories in it. Batari Durga became a symbol for the human soul desires, can also be a symbol of man's punishment for disobeying the loyalty and devotion at the center of power. Lord Shiva personally identifiable character with an unchallenged domination. Batari Durga inner conflict with lust, greed, corruption and filthiness of soul into satire for attraction to the hegemony of power. Disakralkan character, with all the authority and imagery, as well as Shiva, a novel attraction. Literary texts spread a Reader constantly in contemplation gives meaning to human life when faced with power.

How does the writer reveals the hegemony of power figures in the guise of a novel? He can use his own biography and the popularity of the myths. Gandamayu value-laden biographical Novel, which uncovers the veil of myth. The Novel thus biographical narrative flow, the story of a compromise, which serves to enter the "power of myth" which brings us to the sharpness of contemplation, the depth of flavor, value and clarity regarding the hegemony of power catharsis of Shiva that is not unchallenged.

Gandamayu novel figures revealed the guise of the hegemony of power, flaking the very essence of the conflict with the center of power. The focus of the story the novel is the behavior of the goddess Uma and Sahadewa is peeling the hegemony of power of Shiva. There are at least four things that could have meant the character Goddess Uma when confronted with the hegemony of power of Shiva to attain humanistic awareness.

First, it identifies the powers that require fidelity as a whole. The attitude of Lord Shiva to Goddess Uma, his wife, who demanded full loyalty, is the center of the myth does not want the betrayed. Loyalty is absolute. Loyalty may not be shared with anyone, let alone to stir up opposition to the hegemony of power Center. Each commandment given to Lord Shiva to Goddess Uma is not absolute, unchallenged. The hegemony of power to rein in desires of a group down (grass root) and suppressor (pressure groups).

Secondly, when will the loyalty demands unfulfilled, his curse or a punishment. Lord Shiva who felt no gain absolute loyalty Goddess Uma made two at once: the curse of the goddess Uma Batari Durga as form, giant women a bad appearance and rekor, who was expelled from heaven.

Hegemony is the construction of a center of power (Shiva) to another party (the Goddess). The curse of Lord Shiva are mute and control his own meaning of life. Batari Durga lost his position in heaven, a place of Holiness of the gods, for having an affair with cow (an incarnation of Shiva) and must be the Queen of the spirits in the Setra Gandamayu.

Third, in due course, the powers that sought hegemony of a democratic face. Batari Durga diruwat Sahadewa, return in their default form as the goddess Uma a beautiful and virtuous. The center of power, hegemony in the holder it is Shiva, requires a democratic imaging that he quixotic figure who gives forgiveness Batari Durga, in a manner indicating that his power is not a tyranny. To show the Lord Shiva is arif — as the Centre of hegemony — Shiva meruwat Batari Durga with the help of a Knight the Sahadewa, upholding truth, honesty, and against rekor.

Fourth, the hegemony of power of Shiva is absolute fact when he meruwat to return in Batari Durga their default form of Goddess. Lord Shiva only borrow when Sahadewa sport Knight that restored the Goddess of beauty in order to be able to return to heaven and leave Setra Gandamayu. Curses and texts began in one power Center: Shiva. Other forces outside the center of power in vain to determine the construction of the meaning of power. Underdeveloped plurality in power. Systems thinking, systems of speech, and behavior outside the center of power figures are merely a reflection of the dominant powers.

Just how powerful a passion Putu Arcana Dawn presents the image of the dominant power Center through the myth. As he dragged the unconscious desire to explore the language of the essay. When YB Mangunwijaya in the epic novel Durga Umayi expresses the myth as a symbol, the symbol and the sign systems linked with the powers of Orba, Putu Arcana Morning Express myth as mirror of the hegemony of power universally.

Longing Dawn Putu Arcana implied, as a novelist, his characters frees to do a deconstruction of power. Creation of novel figures to question: values, ideology, the truth, and the inclination is implied in the hegemony of power. The move figures to make the rejection of a single centre of power. The characters of his novels — borrows the notion Derrida — attempts to find the centers of power. The characters in the novel expresses awareness that it's plural, not a Center. Notable novel dare pry Putu Arcana Dawns hierarchy system, a system of logic that is considered the center of the power to interpret the raw.

Awareness of Putu Arcana Dawn explores the hegemony of power in excess of the wayang myth evoked outside the narrative style. This is in contrast with the novel the wind in the Yanusa work of Nugroho. The second novel was similarly held up the myth of the puppet with the focus of the hegemony of power that is not unchallenged. Putu Arcana Dawn tells the power-centered hegemony of Siva, Yanusa Nugroho narrates the hegemony of power over his own Sumantri and also bad form and very loyal to his older brother, Sokrasana.

In his novel, Putu Arcana Dawn do the sale of power to the hegemony in human life. As such, he is more the antartokoh conflicts sharpen collide with the central power. Sometimes he uses the language of the essay to explore the paradox of the hegemony that power. Yanusa Nugroho brings the hegemony of power in narratives that cannot enter the indigenization of life today. Yanusa Nugroho more clear in stilistika and will carry to touch the reader's empathy. Putu Arcana Dawn chose utilizing the transition of the narrator as the "third person" who could change as the "first person" which confirms the impression the hegemony of power was not a mere myth, but also covered the atmosphere of our lives. He invented a novel to unveil the consciousness of readers who have not been freed from the hegemony fight of power.

S Prasetyo Utomo Short Story Writer; Lecturer In IKIP PGRI In Semarang Source: Kompas Print Editor: Jodhi Yudono Tweet
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