Friday, January 6, 2012

Brettspielwelt, Ala. Boardgamer Healthy Online Games

Believe it or not, when the world boardgamer together and form their own world, which is created is a world full of friendship, full of discipline, and full of joy, at least that's what we can get in Brettspielwelt (the boardgame) a free online portal boardgame from Germany The most complete and most popular today.
Brettspielwelt, Ala. Boardgamer Healthy Online Games

In 1998 a boardgamer (boardgame fans) as well as a programmer named Alexander Zbiek start a small project to be able to play a boardgame online. The reason is simple, because he still wanted to be able to play boardgame with some of his best friend (also boardgamers) who began moving to various other cities.

Taking advantage of new Java programming language developed at that time, he began to pioneer an online portal named Brettspielwelt boardgame. This project was originally not going too well and he took two years to create a perfect portal.

Starting just a link on a personal web page, Brettspielwelt then grow rapidly. Currently there are more than 70 boardgame and card games (card games) that has been enjoyed for free by thousands boardgamer from across the globe. In addition to adequate internet connection, each player requires a browser that supports Java applications to be able to enjoy the variety offered boardgame.

In addition to access via a browser, each player can also download a special application (client) to be able to enjoy a variety of existing facilities with more comfort. Dominion, Pandemic, The Settlers from Catan, Puerto Rico, and Carcassonne are some examples of favorite boardgame which currently can be played in Brettspielwelt. Lately many big publishers are also beginning to utilize Brettspielwelt as a place to introduce their newest boardgame so the day of collection of boardgame (online) are growing.

First enter the Brettspielwelt each player will be taken to gaming area manager. In this area each player can choose the type who wants to play boardgame. Especially for novice players in this area is also provided assistance in the form of detailed explanations as well as direct assistance from volunteers who will patiently answer any questions and explain the basic things you need to know.

One special feature is the choice of Brettspielwelt meta-game for any player who has been registered. If a player chooses to activate the meta-game is then for every game that he attended, he will gain points and credits which can then he used to form a community (forum) itself, which was then called the city, in Brettspielwelt.

Enjoying boardgame online is different from enjoying it directly. Intensive interaction, an atmosphere of intimacy, as well as assess the various expressions of pleasure that radiates from every player would be difficult for us to get when we play a boardgame online.

However Brettspielwelt remains an attractive choice for the lovers boardgame, other than as a place to try out various new boardgame (before deciding to buy) through Brettspielwelt we have the opportunity to be acquainted with the strategy and pitted boardgamer from various parts of the world. In addition Brettspielwelt is also a proof that the development boardgame will be able to encourage the development of online games a form of healthy and beneficial.

1 comment:

  1. Games today are so flashy and expensive to make that they almost seem to miss the point and for me fun is the most important factor game develop must not taken for granted.

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